OREO Management Review
Other Real Estate Owned (OREO) comprises of all real estate, other than bank premises, owned or controlled by the bank including real estate acquired through foreclosure.
Bank regulators have established guidelines (that incorporate accounting rules) for managing the OREO management process.
Our OREO Management Review will assess the bank's process of obtaining and maintaining OREO. We will review the adequacy of the bank's policies, practices, procedures, internal controls regarding other real estate owned; determine if the bank officers and employees are operating in conformance with the established guidelines; evaluate the validity and quality of all other real estate owned; determine compliance with laws and regulations.
Bank regulators have established guidelines (that incorporate accounting rules) for managing the OREO management process.
Our OREO Management Review will assess the bank's process of obtaining and maintaining OREO. We will review the adequacy of the bank's policies, practices, procedures, internal controls regarding other real estate owned; determine if the bank officers and employees are operating in conformance with the established guidelines; evaluate the validity and quality of all other real estate owned; determine compliance with laws and regulations.